Madison Whittle’s Bio.

Madison John Redd Whittle was elected to Danville City Council in May 2016. A native of Danville, he attended Sacred Heart Catholic School, graduated from George Washington High School, and became a local entrepreneur and small business owner. In 1988, he founded MJRW, Inc. and has gone on to strengthen his expertise in real estate, specifically in property management as owner-developer of numerous residential and commercial properties throughout the city of Danville and other areas.

Mr. Whittle is a member of the Danville Rotary Club and has been honored as a Paul Harris Fellow Sustainer. He is also a member of the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce, Danville Cancer Society, and a founding member of the Crossroads Christian Counseling Mission. Mr. Whittle is also club member at the Virginia International Raceway in Alton, Virginia.

In the community, Madison supports and volunteers with the warming and cooling center at the Redemption Center Church, Pastor Willis Ferrell. Madison is offering his building in Pittsylvania County, Oak Grove, for a new community center. It is “God’s Final Call and Warning” run by Ralph Rhyne and his wife supplying food, clothing, appliances, furniture, school supplies, and toys for those in need and many other self-supporting ministries.

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